Do something programmatically with ImanitySpigot!
Many of the features that make ImanitySpigot 3 so successful are available through the API. This API lets you do something programmatically so that you can do something from various sources leveraging the power of ImanitySpigot 3.
Please read this page completely before using the API. This page contains everything to help you get started and what you must know.
Related Content
- API Javadoc: Documentation for the current release
Adding ImanitySpigot 3 API to your build
Using with Maven
Add Imanity Maven Repository to your Maven Project
<!-- Imanity repo -->
Add Imanity Spigot API to your Maven Project Dependency
<!-- ImanitySpigot API -->
<!-- Original PaperSpigot -->
Using with Gradle
Add Imanity Maven Repository to your Gradle Project
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://repo.imanity.dev/imanity-libraries/'
Add Imanity Spigot API to your Gradle Project Dependency
dependencies {
compileOnly 'org.imanity.imanityspigot:api:{VERSION}'
compileOnly 'org.imanity.paperspigot:paper1.8.8:1.8.8'