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Extended API Methods


You can found here all methods that ImanitySpigot added (or make them more advanced) for the developers about World.


All Methods

  • CompletableFuture<Chunk> getChunkAtAsynchronously(int x, int z, AsyncPriority priority) - Get Chunk asynchronously with urgent priority (which is the priority while get chunk block main)
  • CompletableFuture<Chunk> getChunkAtAsynchronously(Location location, AsyncPriority priority) - Get Chunk asynchronously with urgent priority (which is the priority while get chunk block main)
  • CompletableFuture<Chunk> getChunkAtAsynchronously(Block block, AsyncPriority priority) - Get Chunk asynchronously with urgent priority (which is the priority while get chunk block main)
  • CompletableFuture<Boolean> createExplosionAsync(Location location, float power) - Create explosion using AsyncExplosion addition (Enterprise Only)
  • CompletableFuture<Boolean> createExplosionAsync(Location location, float power, boolean setFire) - Create explosion using AsyncExplosion addition (Enterprise Only)
  • CompletableFuture<Boolean> createExplosionAsync(Location location, float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks) - Create explosion using AsyncExplosion addition (Enterprise Only)

Class: org.bukkit.World


You can found here all methods that ImanitySpigot added (or make them more advanced) for the developers about Entity.

All Methods

  • boolean canStacked() - Can the entity be stacked with mobstacker system.
  • void setCanStacked(boolean canStacked) - Set the ability for entity to be stacked with mobstacker system.
  • int getStackAmount() - Get the stack amount of the mobstacker system.
  • void setStackAmount(int stackAmount) - Set the stack amount of the mobstacker system.

Class: org.bukkit.entity.Entity


You can found here all methods that ImanitySpigot added (or make them more advanced) for the developers about Mob.

All Methods

  • boolean isIntelligence() - Allow you to know if the entity has intelligence (AI)
  • void setIntelligence(boolean intelligence) - Allow you to set if the entity should have intelligence (AI)

Class: org.bukkit.entity.Mob


You can found here all methods that ImanitySpigot added (or make them more advanced) for the developers about HumanEntity.

All Methods

  • void setBlocking(boolean blocking) - Force the player to block or not (ie with a sword).

Class: org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity


You can found here all methods that ImanitySpigot added (or make them more advanced) for the developers about Player.


All Methods

  • boolean isCanPickupExperienceOrbs() - Can player pickup experience orbs
  • void setCanPickupExperienceOrbs(boolean canPickup) - Set ability for player to pickup experience orbs
  • void setKnockback(Knockback knockback) - Set the knockback profile for the player
  • void setFakeEnvironment(World.Environment environment) - Set a fake environment to the player
  • void removeFakeEnvironment() - Remove the fake environment applied to the player
  • World.Environment getFakeEnvironment() - Get the fake environment of the player currently applied

Class: org.bukkit.entity.Player


You can found here all methods that ImanitySpigot added (or make them more advanced) for the developers about Server.


All Methods

  • PacketService getPacketService() - Get PacketService for packet listeners
  • void registerPacketHandler(Plugin plugin, PacketHandler packetHandler) - Register a packet handler
  • void unregisterPacketHandler(PacketHandler packetHandler) - Unregister a packet handler
  • MovementService getMovementService() - Get MovementService for movement listeners
  • void registerMovementHandler(Plugin plugin, MovementHandler movementHandler) - Register a movement handler
  • void unregisterMovementHandler(MovementHandler movementHandler) - Unregister a movement handler
  • MobAIService getMobAIService() - Get MobAIService for non-player minecraft entity AI listeners
  • void registerMobAIHandler(Plugin plugin, MobAIHandler mobAIHandler) - Register a mob AI handler
  • void unregisterMobAIHandler(MobAIHandler mobAIHandler) - Unregister a mob AI handler
  • KnockbackService getKnockbackService() - Get KnockbackService for player knockback purposes
  • void setKnockback(Player player, Knockback knockback) - Set Player's knockback profile
  • Properties getProperties() - Get Properties to manage server properties
  • void setMaxPlayers(int maxPlayers) - Set max players count on your server

Class: org.bukkit.Server


All Methods

  • vector getCrossProduct(Vector vector) - Non-mutative getCrossProduct method to Vector.